Sunday, November 26, 2006

TV for BDay? Scratch That

Biscotti and I went mattress shopping today. The Brick is selling an Opus Mirrorform Memory Foam Queen Mattress Set (whew..) for a low low low price; low low low is in my unknowledgeable opinion. Annnnnnd, as a special offer, which is what prompted us to go in on this very snowy day, they are giving us a compact DVD player, a digital camera, and a 19.1" LCD HD flatscreen TV - valued, according to them, at $99.97, $119.97, and $599.97, respectively. It's not a huge TV, but it'll more than do as a replacement for the hunk of junk currently downstairs, which cuts out for a second or two every second or two. It all gets delivered on Tuesday, can't wait. But I will, cuz I have to.

Also today, we took our dogs to McDonald Beach Park in Richmond, on the banks of the Fraser River. We'd never been and were quite impressed with the size of it. We didn't explore much of it, we'll save that for a not-so-snowy day, but of what we did see there was a lot of room for our dogs to run and swim and frolic and sniff bums and jump up at a woman holding a coffee cup. We'll be back there again no doubt.

Admin stuff: four more videos by us - Rapid Water Movement; Maui & Holly and Siblings; Snowy Backyard; and Feeding Dogs Snow.


Anonymous said...

Macdonald beach is probably my favourite dog walking spot in all of Vancouver . . . at least in the summer time. If you catch an eb tide you don't get the stink dog smell from salt water. Call me next time you go! I was walking barney by myself today!

jblue said...

Hey - I like the stink dog smell. I'm surprised we didn't know or hear about that place before. It's close and big and safe. The dogs went in the river without prompting! If anything we didn't want them to go in and freeze their little pawpaws off. Brave souls.. Will call you next time, but it might not be for a while, we had to borrow Biscotti's parent's car for Sunday's excursion - no animals allowed in the courtesy car.. Oh how we wish for our vehicle back, especially for the snowy roads. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.