Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hi, hi5!

On April 25 I got an email from hi5 (remember that site?) with a subject line of "[my first name], open this email for 12 people you should meet :)‏"

I opened the email and there was this:

Some notes: There are 24 spots there, not 12. Two are "no photo" and one is simply white space. Two are entire families, one of which - the Simpsons! - is animated (does hi5 know my wife is Portuguese?!). Is hi5 telling me that only 12 of the people are ones I should meet, and that the rest I shouldn't meet? And that my life depends on meeting the correct ones?

The second-from-top-and-second-from-left image is a moving GIF of a female with a bottle in each hand dancing/stumbling along a hallway:

On June 4 I received another email from hi5. [my first name], open this email for 12 people you should meet :)

I opened, and this:

I have no notes for this one, other than that again ain't 12. Images too small? Clickie to make biggie.

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